sábado, 25 de julio de 2015

Playlist Programa # 32 de Ruidos en el Fondo. Punk Rock en EE.UU. (New York-Cleveland) Parte I (1974-1975) (31-7-2014) y link para escuchar o descargar la música compartida

The Ramones (Queens, New York, EE.UU.) - Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue (Live CBGB 1974)
Television (New York, EE.UU.)
- Double Exposure demo (1975)
- Blank Generation (1975, live)
Talking Heads - The Girls Want To Be With The Girls (Demo 1975)
Suicide (New York, EE.UU.)
- Space Blue (1974)
- Rocket U.S.A . (1976)
Pere Ubu (Cleveland, Ohio, EE.UU.) - Heart of Darkness (1975)
Blondie  (New York, EE.UU.)
- Out In The Streets [1975]
- The Thin Line [1975]
Wayne County & The Back Street Boys (New York, EE.UU.) - Cream in My Jeans (1975)
The Mumps (New York, EE.UU.) - We Ended Up (1974)
Johnny Thunders and The Heartbrakers (New York, EE.UU.) - I Wanna Be Loved (1975)
The Dictators - Two Tub Man (1975)
The Ramones (Queens, New York, EE.UU.) - You should never open that door (demo 1975)

También sonaron:
Television - Little Johnny Jewel, Pts. 1 & 2 (1975)
Suicide - Frankie Teardrop The Detective Meets The Space Alien [1976]
Pere Ubu - 30 Seconds over Tokyo (1975)
Blondie - Platinum Blonde (1975)

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